Israeli police trainers welcome to Belize—press release

By June 27, 2018July 8th, 2020Article
Israeli police trainers welcome

Palestinian terrorists blamed baby Layla Ghandour’s death on Israeli tear gas. Later a relative revealed she died of a long-term blood disorder (photo from EuroNews).

Israeli police trainers welcome to Belize. NEAB notes with deep concern today’s public protest against the Israelis here to train police in Belize. Palestinians funded and backed by terrorists recently attempted a massive attack on Israel and met firm Israeli resistance, thus the protests. 

Israel warns nearby civilians before it makes military strikes. Its security forces are known to practice a defense which is firm, restrained, compassionate and effective. That is why Belize police have been trained by them for years. As long as that training follows Israel’s policy of effective restraint, we should be thankful for it.

The Bible says that whoever blesses Israel will be blessed, and whoever curses them will be cursed. We celebrate Jerusalem as Israel’s historical capital for over 3000 years. And together with a great multitude of Belizean biblical Christians, we bless Israel and welcome them to Belize. 

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Related sources for Israeli police trainers welcome.

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Keyword: Israeli police trainers welcome.

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Note on photo: Too often when Palestinian terrorists mount attacks on Israel, they put their own civilians in harm’s way. Yet the mass media blames Israel for every injury and death. That includes the death of the eight-month-old baby Layla Ghandour. Her mother blamed it on Israel’s use of tear gas at the border fence. Palestinian militants were trying to break the fence down. So networks around the world broadcast Layla’s funeral as evidence of Israel’s cruelty. However, one of her relatives later revealed the truth. Terrorists had paid her parents US $2,200 to blame Israel for her death. Actually, Layla had died from a long-term blood disorder. Moreover, the same disorder had claimed her brother’s life months earlier.

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